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Safe for Community of neighbors

Hire it the way you like. The best cover:

  • Main coverages for your community
  • Complementary options
  • Aesthetic restoration
  • Warranties for common areas
  • Comprehensive insurance

Advantages of our services

GENERALI Comunidad ofrece diferentes opciones de contratación para escoger la que mejor se adapte a las características, necesidades y presupuesto de cada caso. Es un seguro de vecinos multirriesgo cuyo objetivo es proteger el patrimonio tanto de comunidades de propietarios, como de propietarios unitarios frente a aquellos riesgos a los que se haya expuesto un edificio de viviendas, parking o local comercial.

With the assurance GENERALI

With 77,000 employees and 65 million customers in more than 60 countries, the Group GENERALI is the number 1 in life insurance in Europe, and occupies a position of leadership in the global market. In addition, it is one of the 50 largest companies in the world in the ranking The Fortune Global 500. GENERALI, present in the Spanish market since 180 years ago, is synonymous with trust for more than three million customers, thank you the professionalism of your team and its Network of Mediators.

Daños por agua

Cubre los daños por escapes de agua; gastos de localización de la avería; gastos de reparación de la avería; gastos de fontanería urgente sin daños y gastos por desatasco.


Reparación o reposición por rotura accidental de bienes tales como cristales, espejos, loza sanitaria, encimeras de mármol y placas solares.

Fenómenos meteorológicos

Cubre los daños materiales como consecuencia directa de lluvia, viento, pedrisco y nieve; goteras y filtraciones e inundación.

Defensa y reclamación

Cubre el asesoramiento jurídico telefónico; reclamación a terceros por derechos relativos al edificio, sus anexos, elementos comunes y aparcamiento.



  • GENERALI Community it is addressed to owners of buildings mainly for housing. The property regime can be both common (owners) as a unit (individual property of natural or legal persons).
  • We can ensure buildings mixed that may include, in part, commercial premises, offices and/or parking spaces. It is also noted that the exclusive use of the property is the communal car park for private use.
  • In this mode, there are five activities that we can ensure.
    • Residential building without commercial premises.
    • Building homes with shops and/or offices up to 25% of the total volume.
    • Building homes with shops and/or offices, between 25% and 75% of the total volume.
    • Development of single-family homes.
    • Communal car park for private use.

The valuation of the continent has on the value of construction, once excluded the value of the land, and not on the sale value of the market.

This means that, in the event of a claim, the building is valued for its construction value, or total value and its replacement value new, excluding the value of the land and the circumstances of the market such as the quote of the area, views, and other elements that make up the purchase and sale prices.

The system offers a capital recommended for continent according to the following factors stated in the questionnaire:

  • Total floor area:
    • Square feet built up over the ground, including those that correspond to elements located on the outside of the building, such as sports areas, swimming pool, walls, fences, etc., do Not include the square footage of garden.
    • Square feet built below ground level, basements and floors of parking, when is secure.
  • Quality construction: easy, medium, or high.
  • Geographic area: three zones, according to the provinces.

The capital recommended will be considered sufficient for the assurance of the continent provided that the data declared by the Policyholder, used for the calculation of the sum insured, are correct.

The set formed by the following property belonging to the property of the building, located in common areas and for community use. 

  •  Furniture, even the fixed to the continent, mobile devices, and counters don't work.
  •  Mirrors, lamps, and objects of ornament and decoration in general, provided that their unit value not exceeding €3,000.
  •  Tools, tools, small machinery and materials for cleaning, repair, and maintenance of the building, the gardens and the common facilities.
  •  Fire extinguishers.
  •  Furniture set in gardens, patios and terraces, only for the following coverages, when they are contracted: fire, explosion and implosion; lightning, smoke damage and impacts from the outside; the breakage of the elements of the common content and acts of vandalism, and theft in gardens, patios and terraces community (Large Exclusive Community).

It is not considered content:

  • Movable property and private use.
  • Objects with unit value exceeding €3,000.
  • Motor vehicles, trailers, caravans and boats.
  • Deeds, titles, manuscripts, drawings, lottery tickets, postage stamps, stamps, and, in general, documents or receipts that represent your value or warranty in money.
  • Cash and checks, except in the cases expressly provided for in this policy.

The set of trees, plants and grass are located in the garden of the building. The garden should be fenced or fenced off for the exclusive use of the owners and members of the community. They have No regard for garden: forests, underbrush, grasses, or other land with tree species or plants that are not growing ornamental.

The fixed machinery is a game included in the items of the continent, which comprises the set of machines and equipment, fixed to the continent, and not portable, of use to the community and to support the operation and maintenance of the building, such as:

  • Lifts and service lifts.
  • Fired central heating boiler.
  • Plants.
  • Machinery of production, transformation and distribution of electric energy, with its accessories, and the conductive lines of electricity of use to the community.
  • Home automation systems, computing and electronics.


Even being a part of the continent, must be hired their own capital to get the coverage of the optional warranty Breakdown of Fixed Machinery.

Capital of the continent recommended
The system offers a capital recommended for Continent according to the following factors stated in the questionnaire:
• Total floor area:

— Square feet and are built on the ground, including those that correspond to elements located on the outside of the building, such as sports areas, swimming pool, walls, fences, etc., do Not include the square footage of garden.
— Square feet and are built below ground level, basements and floors of parking, when to ensure
• Quality of building: easy, medium, or high
• Geographical area: three zones according to provinces
The capital recommended will be considered sufficient for the assurance of the continent, provided that the data declared by the policy holder, and is used for their calculation, are correct.
(See modules per square meter in Annex III).

Revaluation capital

In order to keep up with the capitals of the Continent, and Content, is applied to a system of revaluation of capital according to one of these two options chosen in the contract:

Uniform: fixed Value defined by the Policyholder.
Variable: Value with reference to the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Infraseguro and proportional rule
In the event that there is infraseguro at the time of the occurrence of a loss, it will reduce the indemnity in the same proportion as the capital is insufficient (proportional rule). This rule does not apply in the goods insured with capital first risk.
However, GENERALI waiver of the application of the proportional rule in claims, the amount of damage (covered or not) is less than or equal to 1,500 euros.
Once detected a infraseguro, the Policyholder/Insured will need to adjust the capital to the reality of the risk.

GENERALI covers the material damage caused to the common property insured as a direct result of fire, explosion and lightning, as well as the damage caused by the smoke.

GENERALI covers, through the guarantee of meteorological phenomena, the damage caused on the continent insured, always and when it is recorded wind gusts of wind exceeding 80 km/h. Also covered is damage caused by water leaks and leaks.

Through the guarantee of water damage, and as long as you have hired the continent, GENERALI should extend the expenses of locating and repair of the driving community that caused the damage, as well as the damage caused by the water on the continent insured, in accordance with the limits of the warranty.

On the other hand,  GENERALI  it covers spending by excess consumption of water caused when you hire the Large Exclusive Community, up to the limits set out in the policy.

• There is a broken pipe general in my building, without which the water may cause material damage. What would be covered by my policy, the repair of the fault?

GENERALI you to cover the expenses of plumbing to repair the urgency of the common facilities of disposal of gray water, black, or storm, up to the limit hired.

• We have suffered a breakdown on the sidewalk due to a broken pipe underground to the public. The water has entered the community, causing damage in several areas. Does the insurance is in charge?

Are covered damage to insured property as a direct result of the entry of water into the building, overflow, burst, or rupture of septic tanks, sewers, sewers, or pipes underground public.

GENERALI  it covers the expenses for the desatasco of the piping community of disposal of sewage, sewage and storm, up to the limits set out in the policy.

Through the guarantee of water damage, GENERALI will have to assume the damage caused by the water in the container and contents insured

• Due to a door slamming, it has damaged the glass of the entrance door to the building. What GENERALI covers breakage of the glass?

The warranty of tears in public areas covers the cost of repair or replacement by cracking or fragmentation accidental crystals that form part of the continent insured and are located in the area of common use.


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Insurance for communities of owners are essential tools that allow you to protect the heritage of the community to unforeseen situations.

Generali Insurance is a company leader on the insurance market for communities of owners, offering a broad range of solutions to provide a total protection to the communities. Insurance Generali will allow your community of homeowners have peace of mind to be always protected against any eventuality, minimizing the economic impact, and protecting their heritage. Hire a safe for communities of owners is synonymous with protection and peace of mind, in addition, to do it with Generali Insurance is a guarantee of trust and security.

GENERALI Community

seguro para comunidades de propietarios generali seguros

Insurance to the extent of each community
GENERALI Community offers you different options of hiring so that you can choose the one that best suits the characteristics, needs and budget of your community.

What do we insure?
The entire building, both its community areas, and attachments, such as custodial, parking lots and gardens. Broad typology of buildings can be insured:
– Buildings for housing.
– Buildings mixed residential and commercial/offices.
– Development of single-family homes.
– Parking lots-community for private use.

All provisions of:
Guarantees for the common areas:
– Fire, explosion, lightning.
– Electrical damage, impacts from the outside.
– Floods, rain, wind, water leaks and leaks.
– Total ruin by the work of others.
– Cost of demolition and salvage.
– Damage by escape of water from pipes which are common, localization, and repair, plumbing without damage and desatasco.
– Breakage of community elements: crystals, mirrors, sanitary ware, countertops of marble or artificial stone and glass solar panels.
– Theft and damage by theft continent common.
– Theft of common content.
– Theft.
– Misuse of eu funds.
– Acts of vandalism.
– Aesthetic restoration of the continent common.
– Legal defense.
– Assistance in the building.

Guarantees to the private areas:
– Damage by escape of water from pipes which are proprietary, localization and repair.
– Glass breakage external proprietary.
– Aesthetic restoration continent proprietary.

Guarantees of Civil Liability:
– Civil liability of the community.
– Liability Management.
– Civil liability of pipes proprietary.

New coverage of:
– Damage spill or leak facilities of extinction.
– Plumbing urgent without damage.
– Heat damage.
– Aesthetic restoration of furniture common.
– Theft of furniture in gardens, courtyards and terraces of the community.
– The liability of the president, vice president and government positions.
– Maintenance aid (Assistance to the Exclusive Community).
– Pest Control.
– Extension of limits of coverage.

And if it is of those who demand the best for their Community, we also offer:
– Reconstruction of the garden.
– Breakdown of machinery.
– Large Exclusive Community.
– Assistance to the Exclusive Community.

Find out now with your advisor is totally FREE and let us take care of everything pertaining to your insurance for communities of owners.


One of the 50 largest companies in the world

Among the 50 smartest enterprises in the world

One of the most sustainable companies in the world

To 530,000 million euros in assets

70.000 million euros in premiums

Multi-channel distribution through agents and brokers

Present in more than 60 countries around the world

55 million customers around the world

More than 74,000 employees in all of our offices


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