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And in addition:

  • Service agency in the event of death.
  • Advance payment by diagnosis of serious disease.
  • Advance disability and/or disability permanent.

Advantages of our services

El objetivo de los seguros de vida es garantizar la protección de tu familia. ¿Te preocupa que el nivel de vida de tu familia dependa de tus ingresos? ¿Tienes contratada una hipoteca a la que no podría hacer frente tu familia? Con GENERALI tendrás el mejor seguro de vida, adaptado a tus necesidades y a la de los tuyos, para que tú y tu familia disfrutéis de vuestro tiempo sin tener que vivir preocupados por los imprevistos.

Second medical opinion

En caso de diagnosticarse una enfermedad grave, te garantizamos el acceso a la opinión médica de reconocidos médicos a nivel internacional.

Anticipo por Enfermedad Grave

En caso de ser diagnosticado una de las enfermedades o intervenciones contempladas en el contrato, se anticipará el capital previsto para Fallecimiento en el mismo diagnóstico o tras la intervención quirúrgica.

Service agency

Your family will have a professional counseling to perform all the procedures and queries for the death of the insured.

Tratamiento fiscal privilegiado

El capital de fallecimiento destinado a la amortización del préstamo cuyo Beneficiario sea la entidad financiera no tiene efecto fiscal.



Any person whose untimely death may have economic consequences unfavorable to other people (family, business, etc). If the level of life of yours is up to you, you need a Life insurance GENERALI.

For example, it is estimated that the capital required in case of premature death would have to be equal to 3 times the level of annual gross revenue (without taking into account any financial burdens or economic).

A disability can lead to financial problems. In addition, and function of your professional activity, you will need to choose the additional guarantees that best suits you.

Varies in function of the capital to ensure, age, and sex of the insured person; in addition to the state of health and habits of life. When hiring your insurance will determine the exact price that corresponds to a function of these variables. Not only securing the price for the first year of insurance, but for its entire duration.

Normally, it is advisable to maintain the insurance as long as you have people who depend on your income. It is true that as the years pass, the number of these people is decreasing, as well as your financial burdens; on the contrary, your equity increases. Make sure, at least, until you have planned to retire.

Yes. For example, if there are many people who depend on your income, you can opt to hire independent insurance with different beneficiaries.

Can be future developments of the capital insurance, increasing or decreasing, from the day on which the contract. In addition, each year, you'll be able to request modification of the toppings that you consider relevant.

No two people are the same and that is why our Life Insurance have in mind everything that makes you unique to offer only the best: best price, best coverage, and best service before and after the sale.

Because we are one of the companies leaders market in dimension and solvency. Because we are specialists to ensure the people since more than 100 years ago. And because we have the international backing of the GENERALI groupa basic reference on the market.

Communicate the occurrence of the accident as quickly as possible, and in any case within a maximum period of seven days.

The loss of Life or Accident, can be declared by phone. You can declare through your broker or by sending the necessary documentation to the address indicating the policy number. In case of an accident of Accidents should be manifesting with as much detail as possible to the form of occurrence of the loss. You may also enter and track your claim via the internet: if it has been registered in the option MY GENERALI.

  • Death certificate.
  • Certificate of the Registration of Wills.
  • A will or Declaration of Heirs.
  • Medical report on cause of death, and history of diseases suffered by the insured, including express indication of the date of diagnosis of each.
  • Copy of the identity card of the beneficiaries.
  • Certificate of marriage. Must be issued at a later date to death.
  • In case of intervention of the judicial authority: Proceedings complete.
  • Policies enterprise collective unnamed will: TC2 corresponding to the date of the claim.


Check out what our customers think about our insurance. We have the highest score in the reviews of Google behind us as one of the best insurance companies


The hiring of a life insurance is an important decision in the financial protection of your family in case of death or disability. Generali Insurance offers a wide variety of life insurance products that are tailored to your needs, from temporary insurance to life insurance with savings or investment.

When choosing a life insurance Generali, you can be sure that you'll have a financial protection that is suitable for your loved ones in case something unexpected happens. In addition, Generali gives you the peace of mind and the certainty of being backed by a well-known insurance company with more than 185 years of experience and global presence.

Don't wait any longer and ensures the future of your loved ones by hiring a life insurance Generali Insurance.


Seguro de vida generali

To ensure the future of his own, is a question of the highest importance in the GENERALI Universal Life can help.

Life is a set of illusions that we build day-to-day, with all our effort and dedication, thinking only of what is best for our own. Our home, the education of children, the family, to maintain that level of life that we have made... those are the important things in life that we can't leave it to chance. There to defend them and protect them. GENERALI Life is the Universal solution insurer that will allow your family to face the future without economic problems in the event that you miss.

All provisions
GENERALI Universal Life protects his own by payment of a capital in case of death of up to 1,000,000 euros.
We anticipate all or part of the capital hired, if you suffer a permanent disability or a loss of autonomy.
In addition, if you suffer a serious illness* may dispose of all or part of the sum insured from the moment of the diagnosis, without having to justify any expenditure.
And if it deems appropriate, you can hire higher sums insured for the case in which the death or permanent disability occurs as a result of an accident (including traffic accident).

*For the purposes of this insurance are serious illnesses: cancer, transplant
vital organs, loss of speech, loss of limb, renal failure, surgery
heart, vision loss, encephalitis, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, coma,
myocardial infarction, paralysis, major burns, Parkinson's disease, other dementias, and
multiple sclerosis.

We offer much more
Second medical opinion. We put at your reach the hospitals and professionals of the highest prestige in the world to offer a second diagnosis
in case of suffering a serious illness.
Service agency. Your family will have a professional counseling to perform all the procedures and queries for the death of the insured.
Cosmetic surgery if you suffer an accident.
A price that fits your needs.
We offer you a rate that suits you according to your state of health, habits and lifestyle. In addition, you will get important discounts in case of guarantee to your spouse.

The insurance must adapt to the needs of each person. For this reason, it is imperative to have the advice of a professional, who will design the policy that best suits your personal circumstances and family, to not pay more than what you actually need.

Infórmate ahora con tu asesor totalmente GRATIS y deja que nos encarguemos de todo lo referente a tu seguro de VIDA.


One of the 50 largest companies in the world

Among the 50 smartest enterprises in the world

One of the most sustainable companies in the world

To 530,000 million euros in assets

70.000 million euros in premiums

Multi-channel distribution through agents and brokers

Present in more than 60 countries around the world

55 million customers around the world

More than 74,000 employees in all of our offices


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Seguro de Vida GENERALI?

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