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Hire insurance Civil liability for Business and the Self-employed

Hire it the way you like. The best cover:

  • Hiring up to 6 million euros of the Sum Insured.
  • Flexibility: with coverage tailored to each type of activity; we protect you at all times
  • Broad geographic scope

Advantages of our services

En GENERALI hemos creado este seguro pensando en todas las consecuencias a las que podrían tener que hacer frente los profesionales, garantizándoles protección para que puedan desarrollar su actividad sin preocupaciones.

With the assurance GENERALI

With 74,000 employees and 57 million customers in more than 60 countries, the GENERALI Group occupies a leading position in the market world. In addition, it is one of the 50 largest companies in the world in the Fortune Global 500. GENERALI, present in the Spanish market for 180 years, is synonymous with trust for more than three million customers, thanks to the professionalism of your team and their Network of Mediators.


Pensando en todas las consecuencias a las que podrían tener que hacer frente los profesionales garantizándoles protección para que puedan desarrollar su actividad sin preocupaciones.


Ofrece una cobertura prácticamente total, extendiéndose a todas las circunstancias a las que se pueden enfrentar los Administradores y Directivos de la empresa.


Proporciona una indemnización si resultas civilmente responsable por los daños materiales, personales, patrimoniales que puedas cometer involuntariamente frente a terceros.


El seguro de responsabilidad civil nos habilita a realizar vuelos recreativos cumpliendo la normativa. Este tipo de seguro cubre los daños que puedan ocasionarse a terceros durante el uso del dron.



Any queries may be made by telephone, calling the number 911-123-443. To identify the file will be necessary to provide a reference of the claim or the policy number. Also you can ask us your query by sending an e-mail to:

In the case that the claim is guaranteed in your contract, our Company will directly benefit the legal defense of your case.

To proceed to the payment of compensation to a third party harmed, it is necessary that you provide us with a copy of your National Identity Document, as well as accreditation to be You the owner of the bank account where we will make a bank transfer.

The civil liability insurance for the self-employed it is the protection of legal and economic of the insured for personal injury or material damage caused to third parties.


Check out what our customers think about our insurance. We have the highest score in the reviews of Google behind us as one of the best insurance companies


Purchase insurance for your company or as a freelancer is one of the best decisions that you can take to protect your business and yourself. In the event of any damages, losses or claims, insurance can cover the costs and to safeguard the continuity of your business. In our catalog of insurance, we have options for all types of businesses and needs, including insurance in cases of civil liability, material damage, occupational health, legal protection, and more. It is important to note that Generali Insurance has an extensive network of professionals and agents throughout the national territory can provide personalized advice and answer any questions about the products.

Generali D&O

seguro para empresas d&o generali

GENERALI D&O insurance is designed to protect the Directors and management of all types of companies, against any and all claims that you can get for improper acts in the exercise of his office.

GENERALI D&O protects against claims resulting from the exercise of his office should you anticipate the costs of defense and bonds, from the time of arrival of the complaint, until final judgement is made.
GENERALI is in charge of his personal responsibility and subsidiary.
With GENERALI D&OR as much personal wealth as that of his family, it is also protected against Third party claims for improper acts committed in the exercise of their functions.

All provisions
GENERALI D&O is directed to the Executives and Managers of all types of entities regardless of their size, and the responsibility of their Administrators against the law is the same:
• Joint-Stock Companies.
• Private Limited Companies.
• Non-profit organisations, Associations and Foundations.

Other advantages
– GENERALI D&O automatically includes the manager and its affiliates, as well as the representatives of the participating companies.
– GENERALI offers the possibility of including in a single secure all those societies which, without being of the business group, belong mostly to the same shareholders.

GENERALI RC Companies and Self-employed

seguro empresas y autonomos generali

GENERALI Civil Liability For Companies and Self-employed gives response to the insurance needs of Smes and self-employed workers, providing them with adequate protection against claims for damage to third parties.

Who's it for
This insurance is designed to meet the needs of insurers of Smes, Self-employed and owners of goods and services with a turnover of up to eur 10 million.

All provisions
GENERALI Civil Liability Companies and Self-employed guarantees:
– Maximum comfort: recruitment simultaneously on the same policy of several activities.
– Fully custom: to be able to provide you a solution insurer fully personalized, and appropriate to their scope of performance, this insurance includes a catalog with more than 160 events.
– If you wish, you can hire up to 6 million euros of the Sum Insured.
– The Sum Insured per claim, without limitation, annuity insurance, except in the assurances of A. C.'s Products and Post your Jobs.
– No limit of Sum Insured per victim, except in the R. C. of Accidents in the workplace, where you can hire up to 450.000€.
– A broad geographical scope: paving the European Union and the jurisdiction of their courts to activities carried out in Spain, or those of temporary duration to 4 months that are conducted in the European Union and Andorra.
– Timeline extended to the losses that occurred during the term of the policy, and reported up to 24 months after their expiry/cancellation.
– Flexibility: with coverage tailored to each type of activity, so that you feel protected at all times.

– Clarity and simplicity:
• Each warranty is specifically described in a particular provision.
• It indicates all the coverages included in any guarantee.
• For your peace of mind, we incorporate in your policy all the regulation of the insurance contract, without cross-references to other documents.
• Simplification in the collection of data required for risk assessment.

Other advantages
GENERALI provides, in addition to the basic coverage of A. C. General or R. C. Exploitation and completely free of charge, depending on the type of activity, the following benefits:
– Water damage.
– Damage to vehicles in a car park.
– Damage to garments in the wardrobe.
– Damage to adjacent and/or pipes.
– If you manufacture intermediate products or supplies raw materials or components to other manufacturers, we include the coverage of the Union/Mix in the warranty, A. C. Products.
– They are including the provision of Legal Defence and Bonds.

And all this, with a premium, very tight and competitive.

Generali Civil Liability

seguro de Responsabilidad civil generali

We offer a safe maximum breadth of coverage, directed on activities of risks from lowest to highest technical complexity.

GENERALI RC against the financial consequences of the civil liability that you are required by the acts or omissions own and of the people of the need to respond, on the basis of the development of your activity, or the ownership of certain goods, animals, or things.

GENERALI is an RC insurance specific to what you need, whether they are industrial activities, construction, trade, services, recreation and entertainment, or as owner.

Because each and every business activity and situation is different, we help you to comply with all legal requirements before any unforeseen with a flexible system that allows recruitment options custom.


In a unique type of insurance we offer all the coverages to protect your liability to third parties. You can see highlights in Particular Conditions a summary of the warranties and contracted options.


GENERALI RC includes new coverage tailored to each activity (centers of education: bullying, or bullying; catering: catering, leisure activities, etc.), in addition to other enhancements, such as:

  1. Are unified in a single guarantee the A. C. Products, and R. C. Post-work
  2. Suppresses the butt temporary collateral R. C. Post-work. Always the work to be carried out during the effect of the policy (except for temporary).
  3. Improvements in the warranty of R. C. work-related Accidents. Deletion of the exclusion of sanctions very severe, including temporary workers, self-employed without employees, interns / fellows.
  4. New coverage. Financial loss Pure, Damage to vessels, Damage to property entrusted to them.



  1. Versatility. It allows you to ensure both risks simple as industries more complex.
  2. Simplification and agility. Best process of underwriting and issuance.
  3. Maximum personalization. It allows you to design policies as to each Insured.
  4. More than 340 activities. This facilitates the marketing.
  5. Amplitude of insured limits and guarantees contratables. All-in-one policy.
  6. New price more competitive.

Find out now with your advisor is totally FREE and let us take care of everything with our insurance companies and self-employed.


One of the 50 largest companies in the world

Among the 50 smartest enterprises in the world

One of the most sustainable companies in the world

To 530,000 million euros in assets

70.000 million euros in premiums

Multi-channel distribution through agents and brokers

Present in more than 60 countries around the world

55 million customers around the world

More than 74,000 employees in all of our offices


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Seguro de Empresas o Autónomos GENERALI?

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