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Con GENERALI, tienes mucho más que un seguro, porque si tienes algún problema o sufres algún imprevisto recibirás un trato cercano, humano y personalizado por parte de nuestro JAIME POMARES. De este modo nos aseguramos de que te ayude en todo, para que tú puedas centrarte en lo realmente importante.


¿Estás buscando un seguro que se adapte a tus necesidades y a un precio razonable?

Generali Seguros tiene la solución perfecta para ti. 

Ya sea que necesites un seguro de decesos, de vida, de salud o de accidentes, Generali tiene el plan adecuado para ti.

Wait No more and hire us today, your insurance tailor-made with Generali Insurance.


Insurance Generali you will not have to worry about anything because we take care of everything.


Our prices are the best on the market and adapted to your needs.


With 74,000 employees and 55 million clients in more than 60 countries, the GENERALI Group occupies a leadership position in the global market.

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Insurance for funeral

Our insurance is designed to cover the expenses associated with the death of a person. We have several types of insurance for funeral, which may vary depending on the coverages and services that you offer. Our insurance of deaths include the peace of mind and economic security that it offers to the insured and his family, the ease of management and organization of the paperwork and funeral services, and the ability to customize coverage according to your needs and preferences.

Accident insurance

Have a accident insurance is vital to protecting our economic and physical wellbeing in the event of unforeseen circumstances. In this sense, Generali Insurance presents itself as an excellent option to hire this type of service. In addition to offering a wide variety of plans designed to meet the specific needs of each person, are renowned for our efficiency in the management of claims, and our commitment to the final customer satisfaction. Thanks to our network of professionals and experts in the field, Generali Insurance becomes a reliable ally to deal with unexpected situations. To have an accident insurance policy, it means that you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that we are protected against any unfortunate event, without having to worry about the expenses that this can generate. Insurance of accidents with Generali Insurance is a smart decision, and responsible and can make the difference in critical moments.

Life insurance

The hiring of a life insurance is an important decision in the financial protection of your family in case of death or disability. Generali Insurance offers a wide variety of life insurance products that are tailored to your needs, from temporary insurance to life insurance with savings or investment. When choosing a life insurance Generali, you can be sure that you'll have a financial protection that is suitable for your loved ones in case something unexpected happens. In addition, Generali gives you the peace of mind and the certainty of being backed by a well-known insurance company with more than 185 years of experience and global presence. Don't wait any longer and ensures the future of your loved ones by hiring a life insurance Generali Insurance.

Health insurance

Hire a health insurance with Generali Insurance is a smart choice to protect the health and financial well-being of your home. In addition to providing access to health care and the health services needed, these insurance offers peace of mind and security to any unforeseen events. We have a team of experts in healthcare that will work to ensure quality care at all times. You also get the benefit of hedges custom designed to meet the specific needs of medical care and health of each individual and family. When it comes to your health and the health of your loved ones, you can't leave anything to chance. A reliable insurance is essential to ensure access to medical care and services needed.

Business insurance - Civil liability

Purchase insurance for your company or as a freelancer is one of the best decisions that you can take to protect your business and yourself. In the event of any damages, losses or claims, insurance can cover the costs and to safeguard the continuity of your business. In our catalog of insurance, we have options for all types of businesses and needs, including insurance in cases of civil liability, material damage, occupational health, legal protection, and more. It is important to note that Generali Insurance has an extensive network of professionals and agents throughout the national territory can provide personalized advice and answer any questions about the products.

Safe Communities

Insurance for communities of owners are essential tools that allow you to protect the heritage of the community to unforeseen situations. Generali Insurance is a company leader on the insurance market for communities of owners, offering a broad range of solutions to provide a total protection to the communities. Insurance Generali will allow your community of homeowners have peace of mind to be always protected against any eventuality, minimizing the economic impact, and protecting their heritage. Hire a safe for communities of owners is synonymous with protection and peace of mind, in addition, to do it with Generali Insurance is a guarantee of trust and security.


Check out what our customers think about our insurance. We have the highest score in the reviews of Google behind us as one of the best insurance companies

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