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The best protection in the event of an accident from 10€ per month.

  • Death.
  • Partial permanent disability and absolute.
  • Personal assistance.
  • Travel assistance.

Advantages of our services

GENERALI Accidentes Complet te garantiza el capital asegurado que te dará tranquilidad económica para ti y los tuyos en caso de sufrir un percance. Nuestro seguro de accidentes posee amplias coberturas en caso de fallecimiento e invalidez permanente por accidente, así como un gran número de garantías que podrás escoger según tu situación: cirugía estética, asistencia personal o asistencia en viaje.

With the assurance GENERALI

With 74,000 employees and 55 million customers in more than 60 countries, the GENERALI Group deals a leadership position in the global market. In addition, it is one of the 50 largest companies in the world in the Fortune Global 500. GENERALI, present in the Spanish market since 180 years ago, is synonymous with trust for more than three million customers, thanks to the professionalism of your team and your Network of Mediators.

Service agency

Gestión de trámites: obtención de documentación oficial referente al fallecimiento, o tramitación para la obtención de las pensiones públicas.

Invalidez Permanente por Accidente

Si se declara la invalidez absoluta, el cónyuge de la persona asegurada quedará automáticamente asegurado por el mismo capital.

Incapacidad temporal por accidente

Te garantiza el pago de un capital diario en caso de que no pudieras ejercer tu profesión temporalmente por causa de un accidente.  

Asistencia sanitaria por accidente

Te garantiza el pago de los gastos de asistencia médica, farmacéutica, de hospitalización, tratamientos y de rehabilitación que precises a consecuencia de un accidente.



Because by an accident insurance policy, you will have a coverage effective economic and against any accident.

People between the ages of 18 and 60 years old at the time of recruitment and children under the age of 23 years without a professional activity.

Ensuring you have the coverage for death and permanent disability due to accident up to the age of 70. In the case of minor children without a professional activity in the insurance shall cease at the age of 23.

Capital employed can be fixed for the duration of the contract or grow annually according to the variation of the CPI or a percentage chosen by the insured. Regardless of this, the income due to death or disability will grow cumulatively a 3% annual.

If you do not have an annual growth of capital, you'll pay the same every year. If the capital grow on the basis of a percentage, the premium will grow in that proportion.


Check out what our customers think about our insurance. We have the highest score in the reviews of Google behind us as one of the best insurance companies


Have a accident insurance is vital to protecting our economic and physical wellbeing in the event of unforeseen circumstances. In this sense, Generali Insurance presents itself as an excellent option to hire this type of service. In addition to offering a wide variety of plans designed to meet the specific needs of each person, are renowned for our efficiency in the management of claims, and our commitment to the final customer satisfaction. Thanks to our network of professionals and experts in the field, Generali Insurance becomes a reliable ally to deal with unexpected situations. To have an accident insurance policy, it means that you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that we are protected against any unfortunate event, without having to worry about the expenses that this can generate. Insurance of accidents with Generali Insurance is a smart decision, and responsible and can make the difference in critical moments.

GENERALI Accidents Complet

Seguro de accidentes generali seguros

Additional advantages:
In case of hospitalization and with a single call at 902 051 076, we put at your disposal the following services:

– Health professionals to address.
– Care for children under the age of 10 years old, disabled or ascendants older than 70 years with dependence of the insured for acts of daily life.
– Farmacia de Guardia home.
– Veterinary care in case of accident to the pet of the family (only dogs and cats).
– Legal advice about Probate Law (testament, inheritance, etc)
– Cleaning staff-on-wheels.

Your safety is more important, that's why we offer the best solution, GENERALI Accidents Completinsurance designed to respond to the economic needs arising in the event of an accident. GENERALI Accidents Complet will allow you to have a great financial stability, in case of a mishap.

All provisions
GENERALI through this solution insurer guarantees the payment of a capital in case of Death or Permanent Disability, in whole or in Part, by accident.

GENERALI Accidents Complet includes, in addition to free of charge the following guarantees:

– Your spouse will automatically be insured by the same capital, until the next yearly anniversary.
– Death benefit simultaneously from both spouses in by accident: we have increased 100 per cent of the benefits due to the children beneficiaries of both spouses, under the age of 18 years, or that are affected by a Disability Absolute and Permanent.
– Service agency and advance payment for the funeral expenses.
– Expenses of the adequacy of the housing and/or vehicle in case of Permanent Invalidity.
– Implementation costs of the first prosthesis.
– Additional payment in case of aggression by a third party.

Also we offer other warranties to that point that really suits your needs:

– Additional Capital in case of Permanent Disability, Total and Large-scale Disability as well as Death and Permanent Disability due to road traffic accident.
Death for myocardial infarction or stroke.
Temporary disability due to accident: payment of a capital journal if you are unable to practice their profession on a temporary basis.

Aid towards the payment of the fee to self: if, as a consequence of an accident would temporarily incapacitated for the performance of their professional activity.
Health care due to accident: unlimited in the Medical Centers Recommended by the Company.
Hospitalization due to accident or disease: payment of a capital journal from the first day.
Costs of cosmetic surgery by accident.
Personal Assistance: GENERALI is facing the costs of rescue and the derivatives of the transport or repatriation of the insured and their family members, as well as the costs of the stay in the hotel of the passenger, in case of hospitalization of the insured.
Travel assistance: we guarantee a wide coverage on trips of up to 90 days, both in Spain and abroad:
• Transportation or repatriation of the wounded and sick.
• Early return of the insured due to the death of a family member.
• Round trip ticket to a family member, and hotel expenses.
• Expenses for medical, surgical, pharmaceutical and hospitalization in foreign countries (up to 12,000 euros).
• Costs for treatment for emergency dental treatment abroad.
• Cost of extension of stay in a hotel abroad.
• Transportation or repatriation of the deceased and of the insured companions.
• Search and transportation of luggage and personal effects.

• Shipment of medicines, documents and personal objects.
• Transmission of messages: putting you in touch with the people that need it.

Maximum flexibility in the premium payment: monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual.
– Total choice in the scope of the coverageand can bring the cost of the policy to your needs.
Easy recruitment, it does not require medical examination prior, just fill out a simple questionnaire.
Choice of Healthcare in our Medical Centers or Recommended in the one that you prefer.

Find out now with your advisor is totally FREE and let us take care of everything related to your accident insurance.


One of the 50 largest companies in the world

Among the 50 smartest enterprises in the world

One of the most sustainable companies in the world

To 530,000 million euros in assets

70.000 million euros in premiums

Multi-channel distribution through agents and brokers

Present in more than 60 countries around the world

55 million customers around the world

More than 74,000 employees in all of our offices


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Seguro de Accidentes GENERALI?

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